Category Archives: Audio

Best in Show (2007) Norrby, Sala

four channel sound installation, photography and video + event

Norrby church (Sala)
exhibition project “Sjätte Sinnet” (Sixth Sense), Swedish Church

pair4_black_whiteLUntitled, photograph Digital I-Print placed in the organ

a Hidden Third Person
For this project I was interested to investigate the symbolism of the dove/pigeon used in the jewish/christian tradition. In many ways the dove can represent the silence and femine aspects of the Holy Spirit. The mother or something that balances the male/female duality. Its not hard to link the symbol to similar gods as the holy Maria and i.e. Isis
The dove as peaceful holy, fluffy inter- or hyper existence comes almost to its ubiquitous hiddenness.

Stereo mix down version (from 4 channels) of installation audio:

sixth_sense_pigeons_release2Pigeons released at the opening

If you breed a dove and it borns at one location it will always go back to this location. Is this the same with religion? If you are born into one religio cultural situation how easy is it to not return to its ethics and thinking?

Best_in_show_frame_movieStill frame from Video, Tibor Barcza and some of his awards.

In searching for breeders I found Tibor Barcza, living in Elsöv (Skåne). He breeds a special dove called Jacobin Pigeons and he has continued with this hobby for over 30 years. Tibor is a serious breeder and the difference between his hobby or as a profession is somewhat hard to distinguish.

organ2_pictInstallation detail, inside the organ

organ1_handInstallation detail, inside the organ

Detail of installation

text available at the location, pdf >>>>>>>>

Project overall overview and setup of parameters scanned first 3 pages from the catalog >>>>>>>>>

Orion (2004) Västerås

two part sound, video and photo installation

Part 1 elements: 5.1 channel sound composition, 2 video projections.
The multi-channel composition was realised at EMS, Stockholm, 2003.

Part 2 elements: Recorded sounds from ice, five light box printed photographs, steel wire, psalm books, lamps.

shown at the Perspectives 2004, festival for creative music, Västerås, 21-24 October 2004


Lychopodium_Orion2006stillCvideo stills from part 1.


PART 1 Location: Culturen, Västerås, Box 2

PART 2 Location: Västerås Cathedral




orion_ka_vas2installation view, Västerås Cathedral

The work originated from photographic materials taken at several ice covered creeks in Stockholm during the years 1995-1997.

The cosmology in the shape of the ice, and the method of photographing the segments were some of the starting-points.

The piece includes sounds from recorded ice, a sound composition, and video footage from sound affecting a fine powder on a black screen.

Exhibition info sheets:
Part 1 pdf English >>>>>>>
Part 1 pdf Swedish >>>>>>>>>

Part 2 pdf English >>>>>>>>
Part 2 pdf Swedish >>>>>>>>>

Peak Performance (2002) Umeå

Installation with:
Children’s paintings,
the sound from a grasshopper,
low pressure sodium light and
IC controlled strobes (revised element for this exhibit).
Constructed walls (for inner room)

Gallery 60 Umeå, 2002


In the autumn of 1999 I recorded the sound from a grasshopper in the countryside of Malmö. The sound appealed to me in the various meanings of destroyed or undestroyed and artificial or natural. The children’s paintings became an opposite element to the low pressure sodium light that only has a peak in the spectrum of 589.0nm – 589.6nm producing a monochrome environment. I wanted to keep the age of the children quite low as an indexical element of their positive interests in colour and composition. The strobes acted as a link between the paintings, light and the sound.

Umeå 2002, Documentation movie from the show

will be available soon from youtube

Introduction text avaliable at the exhibit, pdf >>>>>>>>
Girl in action, painting grashoppers or insects

when flashes went occationally on it looked like this above

Peak_Performance_docu_insiMmostly it looked like this above (when flashes were off)

Boy in front of camera, in the background his own drawing

Girl in action, painting spiders

The Space (the inner room inside the gallery space)

outside Gallery 60 (the sodium light was on 24 hours)


Thanks to:
all at Sandbacken’s day nursery, Umeå!
special thanks to Jan Norlin
Philips Light Sweden

The continuum of Time/Tidens Gång (2002)

Installation and performance with: Four channel sound installation with water sounds, chlorine smell, performance (sweeping the floor, acting as a swimming-pool attendant), floating lines, bathing toys. (site specific)

exhibited: VLT press, Västerås, Time limited exposure, commissioned

”The illimitable, silent, never-resting thing called Time, rolling, rushing on, swift, silent, like an all-
embracing ocean-tide, on which we and all the universe swim like exhalations, like apparitions which
are,and then are not: this is forever very literally a miracle; a thing to strike us dumb, for we have no
word to speak about it.” Thomas Carlyle (1795 –1881)


Play and fluidity
This event and sound installation was a commissioned work for VLT-Press in their new large space for their large daily paper press.  The flow character of the industry in printing daily papers was taken into consideration when hanging the long floating lines.


Typical smell and watch out!
I cleaned the floor with a slight dilution of chlorine used in swimming pools during exhibit. I warned people to not go so close to the blue fictive pools and blowing in a whistle.

Text available during the exhibit (Swedish) pdf  >>>>>

This work was curated by Joachim Granit, Färgfabriken


Peak Performance (1999) Malmö

peak_performance_interipainted by children in the age 3-6 years

Installation with:
Children’s paintings, the sound from a grasshopper,
low pressure sodium light and IR controlled strobes.

Exhibit: In the group exhibition: ‘Kaduns’
coordinated by Malmö Art Academy, Malmö Music Academy and Artist Doug Ischar, Chicago, UIC.
Location: Peep Gallery, Rooseum (now closed), Malmö, Sweden

In the autumn of 1999 I recorded the sound from a grasshopper in  the countryside of Malmö.  The sound appealed to me in the various meanings of destroyed or undestroyed and artificial or natural. The children’s paintings became an opposite element to the low pressure sodium light that only has a peak in the spectrum of 589.0nm – 589.6nm producing a monochrome environment. I wanted to keep the age of the children quite low as an indexical element of their positive interests in colour and composition. The strobes acted as a link between the paintings, light and the sound.

when the flashes went on it looked like this, detail from wall:


when the flashes where off (most of the time) it looked like this, detail from wall:PEAK_Vagg_farg_gul-CS5-flash-offthe long forms with tentacles are supposed to be grasshoppers

English, pdf >>>

Thanks to (titles in 1999):
Emil Welin at Philips Light Sweden
Stinus Patel, artist, Denmark, Copenhagen
Doug Ischar, Artist, Professor, USA, Chicago and Los Angeles