Category Archives: Installation

«ПУШКИНСКАЯ-10» 2006

This entry is for Russian Users only!

“.. Инсталляция Томаса Нигрена «Изменяя движение. Rearranged movement»

Государственный центр современного искусства представляет инсталляцию шведского художника Томаса Нигрена «Изменяя движение. Rearranged movement» в рамках проекта «Field Studies/Полевые исследования: современное искусство из Финляндии и Скандинавии».

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Томас Нигрен исследует взаимосвязь психологического восприятия движения и реального перемещения в пространстве. Проходя одной и той же дорогой каждый день, мы обычно выбираем самый короткий путь. Но что мы при этом теряем?

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Jumping 097Photo: Marian Goulyaeva Gullimar

Томас Нигрен закончил Royal University College of Fine Art (Стокгольм), член EMS (Electronic Music Society, Швеция), участник фестиваля современного искусства New Perspectives (2002, Швеция) и многочисленных групповых и персональных выставок.

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При поддержке Федерального агентства по культуре и кинематографии РФ, Арт Центра Пушкинская 10, Информационного бюро Совета Министров Северных стран в Санкт-Петербурге, Nordic Culture Fund, Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art, Sleipnir. ..”

«ПУШКИНСКАЯ-10» 2006 

Entrance / Ingång (2006)

Wall construction of hay, clay, chalk and spruce pales
20 x 2,4 m

Realised for Wij Trädgårdar, Ockelbo, Project: “Konst och Trädgård”

This piece started off from a series of curved wall sketches. The specific curved form was producing the effect of a closed space but open to the surroundings. The issue of hiding and the hiding-place as a start of childrens play and imaginations were important considerations but also the idea of entrance of a mental passage in time and memory. The form also materialised the philosophical cause and effect and the mystical arrow of time.

The smell from the hay, the temporary construction (with its material) and the inner space which opened up towards the peasant landscape made me think of memories and activities that belonged to my childhood. After a period a ruin-alike shape takes form (and the hay-smell has slightly changed).

Early July: Exhibition visitors are walking into the field
photo: Yngve Gunnarsson.

Late July: After a period the ruin-alike shape takes form, photo: Arbetarbladet

Remanings from grass and some hay was left on the ground when a circle was cutout with an old fashioned scythe to enhance the effects of some activity that had been interrupted. The form open as a scene of events was suitable for creating engagement into a sudden in-the-moment activity from the public i.e. a role play or story telling. The distant placement of the wall was nessesary to make the observer go out in the field and to mentaly produce some expectations.

Press (SWE):
“Vinden har delvis raserat Tomas Nygrens vitkalkade mur av höbalar ute på fältet, men samtidigt har ruinkänslan vuxit. Verkets titel “Ingång” syftar på den smala passage som öppnar sig i höet när man kommer nära. Det finns beräkning i den rörelse besökaren måste göra för att ta sig in mellan balarna; plötsligt är man på andra sidan och muren är borta. Kanske vill konstnären visa att den enda ingång som finns leder till dig själv. Det hänger på dig vad du gör. ” Niels Hebert, Arbetarbladet

Map over the area >>>>>>>>>

IMG_1013LEntrance imageEarly June: Front View

Early June: Front View

Early June: Rear View


Early June: Entrance/Door View

Early June: Myself in work with a scythe

Peak Performance (2006) Västerås

Installation with: Children paintings, sound,  light and video.

Västerås Konstmuseum, 2006

Platon’s cave inverted
In the autumn of 1999 I recorded the sound from a grasshopper in the countryside of Malmö. The sound appealed to me in the various meanings of manipulation of the nature, artificial or natural. Then some weeks after I contacted a day nursery because I wanted to have the children’s paintings as an opposite element to the low pressure sodium light. This sodium light produces a special phenomena in that it only has a peak in the spectrum of 589.0nm – 589.6nm producing a monochrome environment. The strobes acted as a link between the paintings, light and the sound in that it shows the colours of the paintings when the strobes are active in the space. I wanted to keep the age of the children quite low as an indexical element of their positive interests in colour and composition. The setup is arranged so that a layered inner room exists within the space.



Schematically the installation is a layered structure:
1) Audio recordings of grasshoppers
2) Colour paintings and participation of Target group (children or other group)
3) Low pressure sodium lights (could also be visible outside the gallery at night as well)
4) Strobes activating the space and the linkage between the elements
5) Interaction with audience during the exhibit (moving in the space, setting the flashes on with motion detectors)
6) Information about the procedure of the piece with documentation video connected to installation




The children’s paintings and performance – video documentation
This movie shows a small discussion we had with the children before they went up to the space and started create different kinds of insects and grasshoppers. This was to assure that everyone of them understood their part in the process for the final piece. We talked about why I came up with this idea on grasshoppers and their special sound they make. We noticed that not everyone hear the sound from them and we also listened to the sound for remembering the high frequency and for grasping personal memories.

In addition to the installation a video was showing our discussion we had with the children and their participation and paintings.


Slide show
Images from the preparation where the children paints in the installation slide show >>>>>>
photos by Anna Lindén, Västerås Konstmuseum

text available at the installation (Swe) pdf >>>>>>>>>

Thanks to:
Hammarbyskolan, Students and Teachers

Peak Performance (2002) Umeå

Installation with:
Children’s paintings,
the sound from a grasshopper,
low pressure sodium light and
IC controlled strobes (revised element for this exhibit).
Constructed walls (for inner room)

Gallery 60 Umeå, 2002


In the autumn of 1999 I recorded the sound from a grasshopper in the countryside of Malmö. The sound appealed to me in the various meanings of destroyed or undestroyed and artificial or natural. The children’s paintings became an opposite element to the low pressure sodium light that only has a peak in the spectrum of 589.0nm – 589.6nm producing a monochrome environment. I wanted to keep the age of the children quite low as an indexical element of their positive interests in colour and composition. The strobes acted as a link between the paintings, light and the sound.

Umeå 2002, Documentation movie from the show

will be available soon from youtube

Introduction text avaliable at the exhibit, pdf >>>>>>>>
Girl in action, painting grashoppers or insects

when flashes went occationally on it looked like this above

Peak_Performance_docu_insiMmostly it looked like this above (when flashes were off)

Boy in front of camera, in the background his own drawing

Girl in action, painting spiders

The Space (the inner room inside the gallery space)

outside Gallery 60 (the sodium light was on 24 hours)


Thanks to:
all at Sandbacken’s day nursery, Umeå!
special thanks to Jan Norlin
Philips Light Sweden

Closer to the Sun (2002)

arrangement with:
Drawings and paintings from children  (3-7 years)
Drawings and paintings from elderly people (75-90 years)
Ultraviolet flourecent light
Daylight flourecent light
Coloured flourecent light
Two video sequences
Improvised piano sound

exhibited at:  Tapper-Popermajer Gallery , Malmö (2002), commissioned work

CTTS_child1_parti_action_flChildren in action, two days before the opening.

“…There is a trivial sense in which everything is at least potentially conscious.
Any particle can convert to a photon which can undergo photosynthesis and get
incorporated into, say, a lettuce leaf, and up in my brain, which I know is conscious.
So even if we don’t obviously live in a world in which everything is conscious,
we live in a world where everything is potentially conscious… ”
Liane Gabora, Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 9, No. 8, 2002, pp. 3-29


Installation spaces:
Room 1: Daylight – Children’s paintings and bright flourecent light (will contain some UV-radiation)
Room 2: Yellow – Two videos and sound from a piano improvisation in a yellow room
Room 3: UV light – Eldery’s paintings and UV-flourecent light

Children paints before the exhibit

Video still image from computer animated video using AL algorithms with a Sun in it. (Re-cycled from the video work “The Replicator” (2000))

 Audio except from the improvised piano


Video still image from a robot making typical robot movements with a paper sun

Painting by Woman around 85 years old

Painting by Woman around 92 years old

CTTS_docu_3_table_wall2ALLPaintings and table

Exhibition infosheets (visitors introduction to the piece)
English, pdf >>>>>>>
Swedish, pdf >>>>>>>

In news:
Regional TV4 video clip

Special thanks to:
All at Björkhagen’s day nursery!
Kryddgården, Malmö City Geriatric Care
All other participants, old as young
ABB University, Robot Training Centre, Västerås, Sweden
Robot Support/Direction: Wibeke Hansson,
Robot Support/Assistance: Irene Wilhelmson
Applied Robot Programming: Mikael Aineskog
Emil Welin, Philips Light, Sweden