Category Archives: Appearances

“Legoland” at Dokumenta(13) (Kassel, Germany) 26 July 2012

“Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.”
 André Malraux

“Once exposed, a secret loses all its power.”
 Ann AguirreGrimspace

I will perform a part of the art work “Legoland” at Dokumenta(13) (Kassel, Germany)

The performances are a part of the project: “Winning Hearts and Minds” >>> initiated by Critical Art Ensemble

26 July 12.00   (10.00 UTC) (see map below)


Concrete privacy in the public space
The work Legoland uses radio as its medium. Also the work focuses on various aspects of numbers and communication methods within clandestine operations such as number stations or secret intelligence services.

The audio material for the performance has been collected from various radio receivers around Europe, North America, and Asia.

Broadcasting secret messages into air is a peculiar activity, since it’s indeed shared in a public space. Hence everyone could in practice tune in the actual frequency and listen to it. However, there is only one kind of listener that could decrypt the message (for i.e. special number stations) due to a simple but efficient and unbreakable method using only a paper and a pen. The benefits of still using radio today has the advantage of the impossibility to trace the listener in contrast to the use of computers where everything has traces of IP numbers, logs and hard-drives. Radio waves are difficult to stop and in every moment of time waves are passing borders and through people.

The history of these broadcasts are to be traced back to the beginning of the radio medium itself making them the first public broadcast ever transmitted. The transmissions are unregistered and hence illegal to the FCC. Even though these type of transmissions had its peak in the cold war, they can still be heard. Some has changed its behaviour to digital mode (which still is made up of numbers).


audio teaser:

LEGOLAND alpha test: Fylkingen 17 February 2012


production name: LEGOLAND

Media: Shortwave, audio and performance, misc

Branches: Hidden, Education, Expo, Distribution

alpha stage test: Fylkingen 17 February 2012 (web info) free entrance

Performance some time between 17.30-22.30 (16.30-21.30 UTC)

Welcome to listen to a preview version of the sounds from of a project based on different approaches upon material obtained from unknown intelligence communications, intelligence, and number broadcast, and more.

I will serve my own, unique and fresh recordings (from 2012) from a few spy-broadcasting services in Europe and elsewhere. Welcome to a strange world of concrete privacy! Even MI6 may attend, if you’re wondering what that unknown person is taking notes of!

If we are lucky, I will also allow the listening of some unknown radio transmitters which broadcast live during the concert!

LEGOLAND in “alpha stage” test

Fylkingen Friday, February 17, at. 20.30 (approx.)
Note: to allow the listening of simultaneous spy-stations, the concert will begin promptly at. 20:30 or 21:00

sneak preveiw on

Beer is served at the bar (during pause)

– Presented at the same time:

19:30 to 22:00

A small photographic exhibition in the foyer of photos from Pripyat, Slite, Luleå and Malmberget.

On stage:
Tomas Nygren, Joakim Gullander, Tippi The Wind and William Tottie.
And a small Soviet propaganda film.

free admission

info sheet (pdf)

Rearranged Movement on display at Handen 11 Dec 2010, Stockholm, Haninge

Rearranged Movement will on display at

Handen 11 Dec at “poseidon’s torg” and in the Haninge Konsthall (“Julsalong” exhibition)

frame for exposure will be around 12.00 – 17.00

People are always moving through spaces and levels of consciousness. In the city signs are telling You where to go and how to organize Yourself to others. We are often very well coordinated to meet the demands of the city. Both to make our movements fit economically in this environment and to keep up the feeling that we are free to make individual selections of directions in the city and life.

Movement takes time and effort and, therefore, it’s important to measure the shortest way between two places. That measurement is, however, often deformed by the shifting variables (physical or mental) for city travel.


more about Rearranged Movement here

Rearranged Movement in St.Petersburg

Soundart in Köping – Educational pioneer project


“Gå över ån” is a pedagogical project working with students in elementary or secondary high-school environments. Its initiated by Västmanlands Läns Museum, Linda Wallenberg (Rydberg)
Regional visual art coordinator Västmanland county

The focus in this project is: Pedagogical education within the field of sound art in the public space.

read more about the project here >>>>>>>>>>>>

in 2010 I participated as artist in this project with a school in Köping.

Audio documentation from the opening of some of the students works:

SONY DSCTeacher in dialogue with students, preparation before final opening

in the news:
pdf Köpings kommun – Gymnasieelever skapar ljudkonst på stan
pdf Offentlig konst uppmärksammades med ljud



Kodak Hill @ Tellus – 12 Dec 2009


EXPERIMENTMUSIK OCH 16mm-FILM på Tellus biograf
Lördag 12 December 16:00-21:00, 50kr
Ny lågmäld levande experimentmusik av Martin Thulin och Lise-Lotte Norelius, experimentfilmsprogram med Åke Karlung, Sven Elfström och Claes Söderquist, foto/video-utställning och interaktiv analog ljudinstallation. mossiga upphittade 16mm-filmer från Kodak Hill i Jakobsberg,


16:00-21:00, I biograffoajen:

Mats Lundell:
Vitrum, videoinstallation.
16mm filminstallation: Samhällsmotivator, 16mm-loop svartvitt.
Ljudinstallation: Tonsås.

I Cafét:
Fotoutställning; Mats Lundell, Mirjam Norinder, Yann Robardey
Bildspel från Kodak Hill; Tomas Nygren
Filmvisning, upphittade  industriella 16mm-filmer från Kodak Hill i Jakobsberg:
Kodachrome 10min: Presentation av Kodachromelaboratoriet i Spånga 15min.
Laboratoriepersonalens liv i Kodachromelaboratoriet i Spånga 41min 1971.
Reklamfilm för Super-8, 3min.
Sven-Oskar, reklamfilm, 7min.
Photography at work, a progress report, 40min. (om industriell fotografering).
The use of the Beckman spectrophotometer for the analysis of developing agent and coupler in a Kodachrome magenta developer, 30min.
Quality in photographic paper 22 min, om tillverkningen av fotopapper, emulsion mm.

Kortfilmsprogram i biografsalongen, 16mm-film, 17:00-18:15
Sven Elfström: Skyddet. 12min.
Åke Karlung: Aliena Kadabra 5min 1969
“om oFria TeknoPornoSvin i den urgamla motsatsen – växlingen mellan aNarkopatisk Sensualism och frustrerad Disciplinism.”.
Homo Ludens 11min 1964
Mellan rödskinn och cowboys sitter Homo ludens, den lekande människan.
Claes Söderquist: Epitaf 32min 1979. Bilder som finns kvar av en människa som är borta. Känslor får sitt eget liv när minnen kommer i rörelse. Musik: Charlemagne Palestine, Foto: Lennart Karlsson, Ljud: Håkan Lindberg.
John Whitney: Permutations 1966 8 min, datoranimation.

19:00 i biografsalongen unik konsert i världsklass:
Martin Thulin och Lise-Lotte Norelius live: Instrumental akustisk/elektrisk musik.