Category Archives: Photography

Kodak Hill @ Tellus – 12 Dec 2009


EXPERIMENTMUSIK OCH 16mm-FILM på Tellus biograf
Lördag 12 December 16:00-21:00, 50kr
Ny lågmäld levande experimentmusik av Martin Thulin och Lise-Lotte Norelius, experimentfilmsprogram med Åke Karlung, Sven Elfström och Claes Söderquist, foto/video-utställning och interaktiv analog ljudinstallation. mossiga upphittade 16mm-filmer från Kodak Hill i Jakobsberg,


16:00-21:00, I biograffoajen:

Mats Lundell:
Vitrum, videoinstallation.
16mm filminstallation: Samhällsmotivator, 16mm-loop svartvitt.
Ljudinstallation: Tonsås.

I Cafét:
Fotoutställning; Mats Lundell, Mirjam Norinder, Yann Robardey
Bildspel från Kodak Hill; Tomas Nygren
Filmvisning, upphittade  industriella 16mm-filmer från Kodak Hill i Jakobsberg:
Kodachrome 10min: Presentation av Kodachromelaboratoriet i Spånga 15min.
Laboratoriepersonalens liv i Kodachromelaboratoriet i Spånga 41min 1971.
Reklamfilm för Super-8, 3min.
Sven-Oskar, reklamfilm, 7min.
Photography at work, a progress report, 40min. (om industriell fotografering).
The use of the Beckman spectrophotometer for the analysis of developing agent and coupler in a Kodachrome magenta developer, 30min.
Quality in photographic paper 22 min, om tillverkningen av fotopapper, emulsion mm.

Kortfilmsprogram i biografsalongen, 16mm-film, 17:00-18:15
Sven Elfström: Skyddet. 12min.
Åke Karlung: Aliena Kadabra 5min 1969
“om oFria TeknoPornoSvin i den urgamla motsatsen – växlingen mellan aNarkopatisk Sensualism och frustrerad Disciplinism.”.
Homo Ludens 11min 1964
Mellan rödskinn och cowboys sitter Homo ludens, den lekande människan.
Claes Söderquist: Epitaf 32min 1979. Bilder som finns kvar av en människa som är borta. Känslor får sitt eget liv när minnen kommer i rörelse. Musik: Charlemagne Palestine, Foto: Lennart Karlsson, Ljud: Håkan Lindberg.
John Whitney: Permutations 1966 8 min, datoranimation.

19:00 i biografsalongen unik konsert i världsklass:
Martin Thulin och Lise-Lotte Norelius live: Instrumental akustisk/elektrisk musik.

Groupshow at Mirai Projects: Dec 6th 2007 – Jan 5th 2008

Check out this great x-mas groupshow at Mirai Projects!

Opening 6th December 18-21, Mirai Projects, Sibyllegatan 22 (map)

Press contact: Jon Utterström +46 8 20 54 10
Press image




Guest curator: Kristoffer Nilson

07.12.06 – 08.01.05

Provided are images from my Vegetation series.

Now you know what you will spend your x-mas money on, don’t you?

Best in Show (2007) Norrby, Sala

four channel sound installation, photography and video + event

Norrby church (Sala)
exhibition project “Sjätte Sinnet” (Sixth Sense), Swedish Church

pair4_black_whiteLUntitled, photograph Digital I-Print placed in the organ

a Hidden Third Person
For this project I was interested to investigate the symbolism of the dove/pigeon used in the jewish/christian tradition. In many ways the dove can represent the silence and femine aspects of the Holy Spirit. The mother or something that balances the male/female duality. Its not hard to link the symbol to similar gods as the holy Maria and i.e. Isis
The dove as peaceful holy, fluffy inter- or hyper existence comes almost to its ubiquitous hiddenness.

Stereo mix down version (from 4 channels) of installation audio:

sixth_sense_pigeons_release2Pigeons released at the opening

If you breed a dove and it borns at one location it will always go back to this location. Is this the same with religion? If you are born into one religio cultural situation how easy is it to not return to its ethics and thinking?

Best_in_show_frame_movieStill frame from Video, Tibor Barcza and some of his awards.

In searching for breeders I found Tibor Barcza, living in Elsöv (Skåne). He breeds a special dove called Jacobin Pigeons and he has continued with this hobby for over 30 years. Tibor is a serious breeder and the difference between his hobby or as a profession is somewhat hard to distinguish.

organ2_pictInstallation detail, inside the organ

organ1_handInstallation detail, inside the organ

Detail of installation

text available at the location, pdf >>>>>>>>

Project overall overview and setup of parameters scanned first 3 pages from the catalog >>>>>>>>>

Vegetation series (2006)

Photographic prints from large format negatives, various printed sizes



Plant light
This photographic initiative of plants shot with flash and flashlights represents a line of my work which addresses the threat and activity of the night as a mode of consciousness. The photo sessions are executed in dark parks, countryside’s or distant forests during the night. Terrifying, existing, real moments in my fictive world.


What relation is going on between plants and humans? We are puzzled about the complex molecular structures of chemical components found in plants, structures which we try to solve our own illness in our bodies. Some plants seems to be in a mental relation to us through neural connectedness. Our health couldn’t have survived without them. They can obviously survive without us. They connect through their presence in our bodies and mind, the rhythm of breathing. The plants distanced self-sufficiency brings up something restoring when human life is so full of dependency and endless circles of social problems to solve.


Info text
in Swedish/English, 2006 pdf >>>>>>>>>
