Category Archives: Early Works

Peak Performance (1999) Malmö

peak_performance_interipainted by children in the age 3-6 years

Installation with:
Children’s paintings, the sound from a grasshopper,
low pressure sodium light and IR controlled strobes.

Exhibit: In the group exhibition: ‘Kaduns’
coordinated by Malmö Art Academy, Malmö Music Academy and Artist Doug Ischar, Chicago, UIC.
Location: Peep Gallery, Rooseum (now closed), Malmö, Sweden

In the autumn of 1999 I recorded the sound from a grasshopper in  the countryside of Malmö.  The sound appealed to me in the various meanings of destroyed or undestroyed and artificial or natural. The children’s paintings became an opposite element to the low pressure sodium light that only has a peak in the spectrum of 589.0nm – 589.6nm producing a monochrome environment. I wanted to keep the age of the children quite low as an indexical element of their positive interests in colour and composition. The strobes acted as a link between the paintings, light and the sound.

when the flashes went on it looked like this, detail from wall:


when the flashes where off (most of the time) it looked like this, detail from wall:PEAK_Vagg_farg_gul-CS5-flash-offthe long forms with tentacles are supposed to be grasshoppers

English, pdf >>>

Thanks to (titles in 1999):
Emil Welin at Philips Light Sweden
Stinus Patel, artist, Denmark, Copenhagen
Doug Ischar, Artist, Professor, USA, Chicago and Los Angeles

Double sequence (1999)

Double sequence
Registered times on all watches with numbers I looked at between 11.11 AM (990405) and 1.12 PM (992405).


Installation with:
Desktop, computer, plant, and document with numbers plus a note book with a pen on another table where people could write their own number as they entered the space and looked at the screen. The clock screen saver had a ticking sound every second.

Open Studios, Malmö Art Academy 1999


Documentation, pdf >>>

ISSVA The International Society for the Study of Value in Art (1999)

Screen Shot 2014-09-27 at 2.30.12 PM

Type: Conceptual publication
Commissioned work

The tabloid sized magazine nerv is a freely distributed culture periodica, with four number every year, in the Øresund region (Malmö and Copenhagen). The magazine reaches app. 150 000 readers in the region.

The piece is a fictive journal presented in the magazine.

Documentation: pdf with notes (7,5MB): >>>>>


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Screen Shot 2014-09-27 at 2.29.21 PM








Rearranged Movement (1999) Malmö

Public installation/event with:
8 wood tripods, official mark off tape

Friday May 14 1999, S. Förstadsgatan 18, Malmö

movement 3

Paths Rearranged (with permission)
People are always moving through spaces and levels of consciousness. In the city signs are telling You where to go and how to organize Yourself to others. We are often very well coordinated to meet the demands of the city. Both to make our movements fit economically in this environment and to keep up the feeling that we are free to make individual selections of directions in the city and life.

Movement takes time and effort and, therefore, it’s important to measure the shortest way between two places. That measurement is, however, often deformed by the shifting variables (physical or mental) for city travel.


The rearrangement at Södra Förstadsgatan is an installation to make people move differently through a space. Pedestrians will be confronted by an area marked-off with construction tape. The placement of the tape defines two basic paths; around the marked-off area (2.) or through the center of it (1.). At a distance (a) it would seem better to pass around the construction, but as one approaches it (b) the route through the center could be the simpler route.

movement 4

movement 2

Route of Kindness
An ambulance suddenly needs to go through the space. A man with white coat jumps out of the ambulance, moves two of the tripods, the ambulance passes through, the man kindly places the tripods back again, the form is really untouched. Its all over in a couple of seconds.

movement 6

Thanks to :Alex Slide, Sharon Lockhart, Lars Brunström, Dag-Are Haugan, for positive feedback and support during the project.

Documentation pdf >>>