Kronometriskt Kontinuum del 1 (2024)

Kronometriskt Kontinuum del 1 (2024)

1140,7 x 2313,3 mm

Bläck på papper
edition 1/3

Riktat acykliskt grafdiagram över tider på digitala klockor med siffor nedskrivna i kronologisk ordning med respektive relation till nästkommande nedskrivna klockslag. 

Från ett ursprungligt dataset på 3004 enheter som är insamlade på ett tidsspann av ett år och tre månader är detta verk skapat av en del av detta dataset. 

Chronometric Continuum part 1 (2024)

1140.7 x 2313.3 mm

Ink on paper
edition 1/3

Directed acyclic graph diagram of times observed on digital clocks, written down in chronological order with their respective relation to the next recorded time.
From an original dataset of 3004 entries collected over a span of one year and three months, this work is created from a subset of that dataset.

Visas på ArtFairEpsilon – 3-18 augusti på Västerås Konsthall:
Vernissage lördag 3 Augusti 12-16

Sturegatan 12, 72213 Västerås
tisd-fred 12-17
lörd-sönd 12-16

Det är där vi kan finna ett hem (2023)

Installation with film, scenery, painting, photography, graphic design and interactive display

Everything was made in the period of 10 july – 23 August:

construction of studio in the residence area
wrilten script
pre production
post production

Film was produced with written script and professional actors

Film length: 17’21”

Actors: Amanda Lund, Henrik Norman, Niklas Molander

Realised at ARTWRK factory in Västerås.

film only was shown at 2024 05 25 Kajko Festival Sätraskogens Konstreservat

Garden of Earthly Delights / Lustarnas Trädgård (2022) (unfinished)

HD video (1920×1080, 16:9), 8bit
Music 24bit/48KHz

  1. Opening the Panels / Öppnande av Panelerna 2:14
  2. Left Panel / Vänstra Panelen 2:32
  3. Center Panel / Centrala Panelen 2:08
  4. Right Panel / Högra Panelen, (work in progress).

Direction, cinematography, production, music, sound editing, video editing, vfx, grading:
Tomas Nygren

Dancers: Inger Kolterud, Frank Könen, Sanna Lundström

Center panel, still

for exhibit at Mobile Art Västerås aug 2022 6/8-20/8
also shown at Kvarnbyn, frörenseriet at 6/8

Projected Presence (2022)

Permanent installation at Burträsk hembygdsförening

Site specific installation

Found objects on site:
Episcope projector lens
Dusty window
Metal thread
Old posters

My thoughts on this work circles around the necessity of past time for the understanding of the present and our presence in it.

The lens mounted on the wall projects a camera obscura image onto the dusty window inside. Thanks to its historical dust on the window the image from the outside is realised when the lights is scattered on the dust of the surface. If the window had been new and clean no image would have been realised.

The projection works continuously without any other sources than the sunlight.

the episcope lens is mounted on the wall close to the roof
on the upper floor the room is dark but lighted up from the projection
Projected Presence (2022) visitors interact with the projection

realised at Tomma Rum Residence July-Aug 2022

opened at 30/7 2022