Category Archives: Installation

Det är där vi kan finna ett hem (2023)

Installation with film, scenery, painting, photography, graphic design and interactive display

Everything was made in the period of 10 july – 23 August:

construction of studio in the residence area
wrilten script
pre production
post production

Film was produced with written script and professional actors

Film length: 17’21”

Actors: Amanda Lund, Henrik Norman, Niklas Molander

Realised at ARTWRK factory in Västerås.

film only was shown at 2024 05 25 Kajko Festival Sätraskogens Konstreservat

Projected Presence (2022)

Permanent installation at Burträsk hembygdsförening

Site specific installation

Found objects on site:
Episcope projector lens
Dusty window
Metal thread
Old posters

My thoughts on this work circles around the necessity of past time for the understanding of the present and our presence in it.

The lens mounted on the wall projects a camera obscura image onto the dusty window inside. Thanks to its historical dust on the window the image from the outside is realised when the lights is scattered on the dust of the surface. If the window had been new and clean no image would have been realised.

The projection works continuously without any other sources than the sunlight.

the episcope lens is mounted on the wall close to the roof
on the upper floor the room is dark but lighted up from the projection
Projected Presence (2022) visitors interact with the projection

realised at Tomma Rum Residence July-Aug 2022

opened at 30/7 2022

Message to 759 – the aesthetics of secrecy (2013)

installation with: video projection, radio transmission with recorded audio, shortwave radio, loudspeaker, various objects, photography

exhibited at: Galleri K, Västerås

Concrete privacy in the public space
The work Legoland uses radio as its medium, also the work focuses on various aspects of numbers and communication methods within clandestine operations such as number stations or secret intelligence services the name is taken from the nickname of MI6 building in London. The audio material for the performance has been collected from various radio receivers around Europe, North America, and Asia.

exhibit overview

Broadcasting secret messages into air is a peculiar activity, since it’s indeed shared in a public space. Hence everyone could in practice tune in the actual frequency and listen to it. However, there is only one kind of listener that could decrypt the message (for i.e. special number stations) due to a simple but efficient and unbreakable method using only a paper and a pen.

video still, footage from short-wave radio spectrum analysis. Actual broadcasting spy station is in the middle position and beginning of its broadcast. 


The benefits of still using radio today has the advantage of the impossibility to trace the listener in contrast to the use of computers where everything has traces of IP numbers, logs and hard-drives. Radio waves are difficult to stop and in every moment of time waves are passing borders and through people. The history of these broadcasts are to be traced back to the beginning of the radio medium itself making them the first public broadcast ever transmitted. The transmissions are unregistered and hence illegal to the FCC. Even though these type of transmissions had its peak in the cold war, they can still be heard. Some has changed its behavior to digital mode (which still is made up of numbers).

vlcsnap-2014-10-03-21h32m44s107video still, a typical vintage spy recording device, Nagra SN

Power and secrecy
For the work Legoland there are aesthetic issues in the documentary material, an utterly concrete world of privacy. High strangeness and very few answers, though the material has a powerful character. Questions unfold. Power and secrecy. Why do power need secrets? The work

MG_8747MSG-FOR-759-VAS-medinstallation detail with shortwave radio on right

Gallery info sheet during exhibit (pdf, Swedish) >>>>>>>>>>>>

Video excerpt #1
notice that audio has two divided audio channels (mono left/right) this was used in the installation sending one mono channel to the small short-wave radio at the table and the other mono channel was sent to a loudspeaker on the wall

Click here to download Video excerpt #1

Video excerpt #2  
notice that audio has two divided audio channels (mono left/right) this was used in the installation sending one mono channel to the small short-wave radio at the table and the other mono channel was sent to a loudspeaker on the wall

Click here to download Video excerpt #2

Best in Show (2007) Norrby, Sala

four channel sound installation, photography and video + event

Norrby church (Sala)
exhibition project “Sjätte Sinnet” (Sixth Sense), Swedish Church

pair4_black_whiteLUntitled, photograph Digital I-Print placed in the organ

a Hidden Third Person
For this project I was interested to investigate the symbolism of the dove/pigeon used in the jewish/christian tradition. In many ways the dove can represent the silence and femine aspects of the Holy Spirit. The mother or something that balances the male/female duality. Its not hard to link the symbol to similar gods as the holy Maria and i.e. Isis
The dove as peaceful holy, fluffy inter- or hyper existence comes almost to its ubiquitous hiddenness.

Stereo mix down version (from 4 channels) of installation audio:

sixth_sense_pigeons_release2Pigeons released at the opening

If you breed a dove and it borns at one location it will always go back to this location. Is this the same with religion? If you are born into one religio cultural situation how easy is it to not return to its ethics and thinking?

Best_in_show_frame_movieStill frame from Video, Tibor Barcza and some of his awards.

In searching for breeders I found Tibor Barcza, living in Elsöv (Skåne). He breeds a special dove called Jacobin Pigeons and he has continued with this hobby for over 30 years. Tibor is a serious breeder and the difference between his hobby or as a profession is somewhat hard to distinguish.

organ2_pictInstallation detail, inside the organ

organ1_handInstallation detail, inside the organ

Detail of installation

text available at the location, pdf >>>>>>>>

Project overall overview and setup of parameters scanned first 3 pages from the catalog >>>>>>>>>